What History looks like at Shaw Ridge School

What a History lesson can look like in our school:

  • Opportunities to inspire children’s curiosity about the past
  • A variety of activities to provide children with the opportunity to explore what happened in the past, encouraging them to think about why these events happened and what we can learn from them
  • Children working individually or collaboratively to develop key historical skills and to communicate their findings - focusing on chronology, knowledge and understanding, historical interpretation and historical enquiry
  • Historical topics (mapped out across the whole school) to provide children with a coherent knowledge of Britain’s history and that of the wider world
  • A well planned ‘Progression of Skills’ to enable the children to work on and develop new skills in each year.

This is our philosophy:

  • Children learning through exploration and enquiry
  • Children exploring how people lived; looking for similarities and differences between different historical periods
  • Children learning about the past and how it has impacted on the world we live in today
  • To provide children with a chronological awareness of our past

This is what we do:

  • Different periods of history are taught either for half a term or a whole term
  • Lessons planned using progressive skills as a guide for each year group
  • By the time the children leave Year 6, they will have studied a broad range of topics covering important events and periods in Britain’s history and that of the wider world
  • Lessons may be taught discreetly or as a block of lessons. Links with other areas of the curriculum are encouraged and embraced to provide a more meaningful learning experience
  • School trips are often planned to start or reinforce the children’s learning, offering them an insight into the key even event or era

This is what you might typically see:

  • Enthusiastic, engaged learners
  • Independent and collaborative work
  • Curious children posing questions for research
  • Children interpreting and reflecting on historical events making comparisons between different events
  • Children exploring and handling artefacts
  • Recounts of key events
  • Children exploring different sources to help learn about what life was like and why people lived in the way that they did
  • Planned trips or visitors coming into school to provide children with an insight into a particular event or era

This is how we know how well our pupils are doing:

  • Lessons are planned based on progressive skills which are specific for each year group
  • A variety of feedback is given by teachers or peers
  • Photographic and video evidence
  • Displays of work around the school (particular focus on displays for Open Evening)

This is the impact of teaching:

  • Inquisitive and reflective learners who enjoy learning about history
  • Children who are able to use different sources of information to weigh up evidence and form an opinion about events
  • Children who are prepared to share what they’ve learnt in a variety of ways
  • Children who are able to gain an insight into the chronology of events that have taken place in Britain and the wider world

History Progression of Skills & Knowledge

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