What an English lesson looks like in our school

  • Children work on differentiated tasks individually or collaboratively
  • Each piece of work has a clear learning question related to the National Curriculum for English.
  • High level questioning and mini-plenaries throughout the lesson share misconceptions, pose questions and challenge ideas.
  • Children are encouraged to discuss their ideas and their reasons for them.
  • English skills are regularly reinforced in other subject areas.
  • Children repeat basic skills regularly through grammar hammer, discretely taught lessons and early morning activities.
  • Working Walls provide children with toolkits required to achieve success within the lesson

This is our philosophy:

  • All children, regardless of ability, are given the opportunity to maximise their Literal understanding and development through lessons that challenge and support their existing knowledge and build upon it.
  • Children learn to enjoy English and recognise that making mistakes is an essential part of their learning process.
  • High quality teaching and questioning from early years onwards will support children in developing their English skills.
  • Those with English aptitude are challenged and nurtured to work at a higher level whilst those who may need support are supported and developed.
  • Access to high quality texts
  • High quality modelling and scaffolding of reading skills
  • Develop fluent readers who can comprehend
  • Develop confident readers who can transfer decoding and comprehension skills across the curriculum

This is what we do:

  • Weekly English sessions are planned to meet objectives set out in the national curriculum. Planning may be adapted during the week in response to assessment for learning carried out on a daily basis.
  • During the lesson, children are given feedback by teachers or TAs. This will extend learning, address misconceptions or consolidate understanding.
  • In nursery, we encourage the development of language skills through social play, mark making and story sharing.
  • For one to one early reading, both at home and in school, children have fully decodable books that are closely matched to the phonemes (sounds) they are learning in class.
  • Skills are modelled to facilitate communication between peers and adults.
  • We teach synthetic phonics and use letters and sounds as our primary scheme.
  • At KS1, we use the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach
  • We use an integrated programme of speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • We provide opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught skills
  • Shared writing sessions, encouraging collaborative writing
  • We provide opportunities for writing across different genres
  • Regular assessment is carried out in order to identify progress and next steps.
  • Children have access to a range of materials to support their understanding such as dictionaries, thesauruses, word mats etc.
  • Children are given opportunities to respond to both written and verbal feedback.
  • Regular monitoring across phases, and with other schools

This is what you might typically see:

  • Happy and engaged learners
  • Children demonstrating resilience
  • Children encouraged to be creative and take risks
  • Collaborative or independent work
  • English skills being applied across other areas of the curriculum
  • Children discussing, reflecting and sharing their learning
  • A range of different activities, including use of technology

This is how we know how well our pupils are doing:

  • Different forms of feedback
  • Ongoing assessment for learning
  • Regular data tracking
  • Targeted use of interventions

This is the impact of teaching:

  • Confident children who want to share their learning in English
  • Children are able to use and explain the meaning of vocabulary
  • Children who are prepared to take risks
  • Children who enjoy English lessons and English across the curriculum
  • Children who are enjoying learning in reading sessions

English National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2

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