What Geography looks like at Shaw Ridge School
What a Geography lesson can look like in our school:
- Opportunities to inspire children’s curiosity about the world
- A variety of activities and themed days to help children to learn about different countries and their cultures.
- Children working individually or collaboratively to develop key Geographical skills focusing on map work, investigating human and physical geography and fieldwork.
- Exciting Geography topics to provide children with the opportunity to explore and investigate the world around them.
- A well planned ‘Progression of Skills’ to enable the children to work on and develop new skills in each Year.
This is our philosophy:
- Children learning through exploring different topics whilst acquiring new skills.
- Children developing an awareness of where different countries are located
- To provide children with experiences to help them develop their understanding of different countries and their cultures, whilst comparing them to their own surroundings.
- To celebrate and explore diversity
This is what we do:
- Each year group have different geographical skills to focus on. The children will then progress through the skills as they move up the school.
- The skills are covered through carefully selected topics (mapped across the whole school) that will enable the children to develop and use that skill.
- By the time the children leave Year 6, they will have covered a wide range of geographical skills and topics.
- Lessons may be taught discreetly or as a block of lessons – making links with other areas of the curriculum are embraced to provide a more meaningful learning experience
- All children will get the opportunity to go on various trips to develop local, regional and global geography experiences
This is what you might typically see:
- Enthusiastic, engaged learners
- Curious children posing questions for research
- Children focusing on a range of geographical locations. Recognising the differences between man-made and natural features within the landscape
- Children developing their map work including understanding the purpose of the map key
- Children being given the opportunity to learn about different countries in a meaningful context.
- Themed days to allow children to further develop their knowledge and understanding of different countries and cultures
- Children sharing their learning with others through displays
- Planned outings to enable children to develop their fieldwork skills
This is how we know our pupils are doing well:
- Lessons are planned based on geographical skills which are specific for each year group
- Marking and feedback by teacher and peers
- Photographic and video evidence
- Displays of work with classes and around school, including Open Evening
This is the impact of our teaching:
- Children who enjoy geography
- Inquisitive learners
- Reflective learners
- Children who are able to demonstrate a variety of geographical skills
- Children who are prepared to share what they’ve learnt in a variety of ways
- Children who are able to gain an insight into the world they live in